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A member registered Dec 18, 2019

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6m 46s first attempt c: (after watching your yt vid)

Really neat idea! Like others, I had a difficult time with combining the cassettes. At the first glance, I thought it was going to be like those mobile games where you merge 2 things to get a bigger thing, merge bigger things to get an even bigger thing, and there's no end to it but it turned out to be fairly different from that. Well made for the time frame!

It's a neat concept but I don't really see much relation to the theme other than "rewinding" to the beginning  when you lose. Not sure if that's what you were going for. Mostly seems like a math quiz but I still  found it fun!

Very cute game! 

Haha! That's great. Thank you for trying it out! It definitely needs more time put into it to polish it and make it flow nicely but I'm glad you enjoyed the idea!